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Can I tell you about Cerebral Palsy?

A guide for friends, family and professionals. Written by Marion Stanton and illustrated by Katie Stanton. "Meet Sophie - a girl with cerebral palsy. Sophie invites readers to learn about cerebral palsy from her perspective, helping them to understand what it is like to use a wheelchair to move around and assistive technology to communicate. She also introduces readers to some of her friends who have different forms of cerebral palsy and explains that living with cerebral palsy can sometimes be difficult, but there are many ways she is supported so that she can lead a full and happy life." Notes from the Librarian: This book is aimed at roughly ages 7+. However, if you like a simple yet informative books then this is for you. The font and spacings of the text may make it difficult for some to read. This book was published in 2014, some science or advice may be outdated.
£0.50per week
Sub Category
For young people
ID Code
Quality code
B - lightly used
Informative/EducationalSiblingsCerebral PalsyNon-fiction
Starting points for learning
Support and fun for children who may not have additional needs
Cerebral Palsy
A group of disorders that affect movement, muscle tone, balance, and posture.
Informative books based on the real world

From 7 Years to 16 Years

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