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Loan conditions

The borrower agrees to:

  1. JIGSAW Thornbury’s Privacy Policy. 
  2. Return items in the same condition as loaned except for reasonable wear and tear (that a reasonable person would judge not to decrease the overall condition/value of the item). 
  3. Collect items during the time slot you selected at checkout. If you do not attend, we reserve the right to cancel your booking. If the booking is cancelled for this reason, any payment you have made will be refunded. If you fail to attend an agreed collection more than once, we may decide to suspend your account with the Lending Library; this will not affect your access to other JIGSAW Thornbury services.
  4. Return items by the date specified, unless we agree to extend your borrowing period.  Late fees will be accrued for each additional week beyond the due date -  this will be calculated as the original loan cost plus 20%.  If an item is not returned after three calendar months, you will be invoiced for the full replacement cost of the item.
  5. Assume all responsibility for the proper use and deployment of the items.  The borrower will not modify, or attempt to modify the items in any way.
  6. Supervise the use of borrowed items and understand that JIGSAW can accept no responsibility of injury or damage sustained whist using the items.
  7. Report immediately to JIGSAW Thornbury should an item develop a fault whilst on loan.
  8. Be responsible for the cost of replacing or repairing an item if stolen, lost or damaged whist on loan.  Items will be assessed on return and any damaged deemed unreasonable will be charged for. You are advised to check your insurance and seek additional cover if required.
  9. Be responsible for the cost of consumables (e.g., batteries).
  10. Notify JIGSAW Thornbury of any change of address, phone number or email address.

In the event that the borrower does not comply with the above, JIGSAW Thornbury reserves the right to commence legal action to cover the equipment or its equivalent cost, which will also include the late fees accrued (see point 4 above).

Failure to fulfil the responsibilities outlined above may result in the removal of JIGSAW membership.

JIGSAW Thornbury makes no recommendations concerning the safety or suitability of items borrowed.

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