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Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration

"Therapy for children with autism and other pervasive developmental disorders." "Building Bridges provides creative techniques and useful tips while offering innovative strategies and practical advice for dealing with everyday challenges, including managing behaviors, improving muscle tone, developing social skills, selecting diets, and more. Part one explains the role of the occupational therapists in treatment and examines sensory integration theories. Part two offers methods of identifying sensory problems in children along with numerous strategies and activities." Third edition.
£0.50per week
Sub Category
For adults
ID Code
Quality code
A - like new
Informative/EducationalSensory: hearingSensory: interoceptionSensory: proprioceptionSensory: sightSensory: touchSensory: vestibularNon-fiction
Starting points for learning
Sensory: hearing
For sensory seekers/avoiders or hearing impairment
Sensory: interoception
Feeling what's going on in your body: pain, hunger, needing the toilet, emotions and more
Sensory: proprioception
your body's ability to sense movement, action, and location
Sensory: sight
For sensory seekers/avoiders or visual impairment
Sensory: touch
Tactile input for sensory seekers
Sensory: vestibular
The sense of balance and where your body is
Informative books based on the real world

From 16 Years to Adult

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