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'bObles' tumbling toys

A set of 5 animal-themed furniture/toys, designed to encourage active play. Balance, climb, rock, sit on them and more to help with motor skills and developing coordination. Please supervise play in case of tumbles. Made from EVA foam, which is tough but soft. Clean with water and mild hand soap or gel - because they are so big, it is easiest to take them in the shower! Set contains: fish (30cm diameter x 13cm height); crocodile (17.5cm x 17.5cm x 60cm); turtle (37cm diameter x 12cm height); chicken (26cm x 25cm x 11cm height); worm (30cm diameter x 39cm height).
£6.00per week
Sub Category
Games & Toys
ID Code
Quality code
C - well-loved
Motor Skills: grossActiveFunSiblingsSensory: proprioceptionSensory: vestibular
Motor Skills: gross
Coordinating big movements with your legs, arms and torso
Toys and games that get you moving!
Everyone deserves some!
Support and fun for children who may not have additional needs
Sensory: proprioception
your body's ability to sense movement, action, and location
Sensory: vestibular
The sense of balance and where your body is

You might need transport to take this home
This item is large, heavy or both. We define this as anything over 2kg or awkward to carry with one arm.

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