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Helping you to identify and understand Autism Masking

"You’ve heard of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) but have you ever heard of autism masking? If so, what does the term autism masking mean to you? Your response will undoubtedly be influenced by important factors such as: Are you on the autism spectrum? Do you support or care for somebody diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder? Are you an expert when it comes to understanding ASDs and supporting autistic people? Do you or a family member have a recent ASD diagnosis? Or, do you simply have an interest in learning all about ASDs? Whatever your situation is, when it comes to understanding ASDs there will always be something new to learn. That’s because, autism spectrum disorders are complex and unique to each and every individual."
£0.50per week
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For adults
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A - like new
Including Asperger's and other related conditions
Informative books based on the real world
Starting points for learning
Learn your own feelings and how to interact with others

From 16 Years to Adult

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