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OUT: A parent's guide to supporting your LQBTQIA+ kid through coming out and beyond

"The coming out process for LGBTQIA+ adolescents can be a terrifying moment, not only for themselves, but also for their family and friends. When intense emotions are running the gamut of concern, shock, joy or even anger and acceptance, it can be tricky to process how you feel while giving your child the support they need. Offering essential guidance and advice, this book is here to help you with chapters that explore LGBTQIA+ terminology, understanding the coming out process, effective communication strategies, talking to your LGBTQIA+ kid about sex, the parents' process of acceptance, and the family coming out process. Importantly, this guide also covers a wide range of lesser-known orientations such as pansexuality and asexuality as well as dedicated chapters on trans youth and the often overlooked grieving process for parents with stories of lived experience throughout. With a unique three step strategy, you and your family can support your LGBTQIA+ child's newly shared identity, create a stronger family unit, and move towards a more open, affirming relationship based on honest communication and understanding."
£0.50per week
Sub Category
For adults
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A - like new
Educational content or fiction that includes diverse sexualities and gender expression
Informative books based on the real world
Starting points for learning
Learn your own feelings and how to interact with others

From 16 Years to Adult

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